The 300-Round Value Pack allows users to train for just $0.06 per shot by providing one pre-filled TPAK and enough gas and non-marking rounds to re-stack each 30-round TPAK 9 times.
Each Value Pack includes:
Every UNIT4 TPAK is certified for up to 10 total uses under normal training conditions. In order to re-fill the TPAK, customers must use the TPAK Re-Stack Assembly Kit. This kit will provide the user with the tools and equipment to continuously refill their TPAKs through the life of ownership of the UNIT4 Rifle.
Please note that damage can occur to the top of the TPAK if dropped directly onto a hard surface. Each value pack will include a fresh TPAK, but spare TPAKs can be purchased for a small additional cost if damage does occur.