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Active Shooter Response Training Kits

Train For Active Shooter Incidents In The Realistic Locations where they Occur.

The UNIT4 Training Rifle provides the perfect blend of realism and safety to train for active shooters:

Fully pneumatic system with no brass, gun powder, or primer. Eases safety and liability concerns of stakeholders.

Will not break glass or cause permanent damage to facilities.

Allows for scenario-based training in schools, churches, theaters, and retail/office environments.

"I think It's Extremely

Important For Patrol Officers."

Watch this video from Blake Cook, Director of Law Enforcement for Blu Bearing Solutions, to learn why the UNIT4 is the ideal system for patrol officers to train for active shooter incidents:

Experience The

Advantages Of The UNIT4.

The UNIT4 offers countless advantages, including easier approvals outside the shoot house, faster response times when a call comes in during training, and no risk of live rounds entering a training scenario. Watch this brief video to learn more:

Active Shooter Response Training Kits

"A Blend Of

Authenticity And Safety."

Check out this review of the UNIT4 from, which highlights the features of the UNIT4 that set it apart from other non-lethal training systems:

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Watch Reviews Of The UNIT4 Training Rifle.