Request A UNIT4 Demo Kit.

Request A Test & Evaluation Kit

Exclusively For Law Enforcement & Military Professionals.
The UNIT4 T&E Kit For


The UNIT4 is the ideal training system for law enforcement and military who are looking for a realistic training experience off the range and outside the shoot house.

We are proud to offer a T&E Program for agencies that are currently in a purchasing cycle and would like to try the system before buying.

"I Think It's

Extremely Important."

Watch this brief video from Blake Cook, Director of Law Enforcement for Blu Bearing Solutions, to learn why the UNIT4 is the ideal training system for professionals:

Request Your UNIT4

T&E Kit Today.

Each agency in the T&E Program will receive the following:

Fill out the form below to request your UNIT4 T&E Kit:

Outside Of The

United States?

Due to the various logistics and import laws globally, we do not offer our UNIT4 T&E Kits to international customers. If you're interested in purchasing the UNIT4 outside of the United States, please reach out to us via email.

If you're interested in the UNIT4 for personal use, please click below: